Sunday, November 30, 2008

He's Three

Three years ago, Mitchell joined our family! The first picture of Mitchell is indicitive of his whole life here on the earth so far.... screaming all the way! Not just mad screams... he screams for joy, he screams with excitement, he screams when someone takes something away from him. He screams at 6 am in the morning when he announces that he has successfully been dry in his unders all night! He just likes to scream! And we love him! The fifth in the family can't be an easy spot. He came in to this world, already having to share... everything. And yet, he shares his huge personality with all of us... and makes us smile every day! We love you, Mitchell! Happy Birthday!

Seconds after birth...
Getting ready to leave the hospital

3 months old

Enjoying the pool... 6 months old

Mitchell... 10 months

Mitchell... 18 months

Easter, 2007 (2 years)
Summer... 2008

Fall.... 2008

He's 3!


Rogers Roundup said...

I'm glad we got to go to his birthday!!! I absolutely agree...Mitchell does have a great personality. We love him lots.

Stephanie said...

He is for sure a Carter! Happy Birthday Mitchell!

Marc and Stacy said...

Happy Birthday Mitchell...we love you!

heidi said...

Happy Birthday Mitchell!! We miss you and love you! Remember a year ago this weekend what we were doing? Hint...Happiest Place on Earth!!!! Memories!