Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Is it Me?

So, I just got my hair cut... and as you can tell darkened. The kids responses were mixed. Justin said, "Uh... it's different." Megan said, "Oh Wow, I love you hair!" Mitchell said, "Mom has pretty hair!" Maddy thought it was cute... and Michael didn't voice his opinion either way. Shane hasn't come home yet to voice his opinion... but he really doesn't like me in short hair... so we'll see how that goes! I like it. A little shorter than I expected... but great for summer... and it was time for a change! What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Very Cute, YOung Looking, Im sure it will be easy to take care of. Hot

Marc and Stacy said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I'm serious. I am so glad you did have been talking about it and I'm really glad that you did. It's adorable.

Unknown said...

Ooo, I love it! I really frames your face so nicely! Love it!

Newman Family said...

I'm actually very jealous!! You look beautiful! That is the haircut I've been wanting but know my face is to round for it!! Love, Love, Love it!!

Scott and Rashelle said...

I completely agree with Meggin...I think it looks awesome. It is so cute and so perfect for summer. At least you are not as weird as me...I like it long in the summer and short in the winter. How do I fix that?! LOL Good choice of style and you look beautiful!

Rogers Roundup said...

Mar---it looks so good on you! did trish do your hair? it looks great!

Eric, Sammy, & Kami said...


Stephanie said...

I think it makes you look younger! Good choice for summer too. I cut all my hair off as well, it's just to hot to have long hair in the summer. I can't belive your kids started school already. Are you guys on year-a-round? We still have three more weeks till our school starts back up, and that is the longest part of the summer for us!

Janis said...

Your blog link was on someones page and so I clicked on it. I love the new hairdo. Funny thing, I wanted to tell you how cute your hair was this morning when I saw you walking back to your car but I wasn't able to stop...I was unsure if it was even you at first, but then I realized it was you. Anyways, your hair style is totally cute on you and the color is great too.

Becky said...

You're a babe!

RachelBarker said...

K, hello... and I'm totally LOVING IT !!! Keep it forever!! It's great with your skin coloring, your glowing 18yrs.old

heidi said...

So cute!!! I love the new look! You are gorgeous!